Haircut 70

Enjoy a shampoo and conditioning, haircut as per consultation, and blow dry style to finish out the service. Walk out feeling fresh, relaxed and prepared to embrace the day with a uniquely crafted look that reflects your personality.

Luxe Haircut 100

Enjoy a stress relieving treatment, head massage, shampoo and deep conditioning treatment, hand massage, K18 mask, haircut as per consultation, and blow dry style to finish out the service. Walk out feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready to conquer the day with a pampered experience and cut personalized to you.

Hair Dusting (Dry Trim) 35

A hair dusting is a quick, effective way to get rid of split and damaged ends, giving you a fresh, healthier looking hairstyle. Must come in with clean, dry hair.

Bang Trim 15

Just a bang trim!

Wash & Blowout 50

Enjoy a complimentary head massage, shampoo, conditioning and blow dry style to finish out the service. Walk out feeling relaxed and ready to conquer the day with a fresh style.

Please add-on any appropriate services you may think will be necessary to accommodate for extra thick/dense hair or additional treatments desired.

All Color services include a blow-dry finish.

Color Retouch 100

Maintenance color service for retouching new growth to match previously colored mid lengths or for grey coverage/blending.

All Over Color 130

This is a global color service for coloring your hair root to ends either for gray hair coverage, deepening base color, or lightening virgin hair a few shades all over.

Maintenance Gloss 70

Refresh your blonde, caramel, red or brunette in-between re-touch appointments! Typically 6-8 weeks after your initial color appointment is a great time for a gloss to add tone + shine and add-on a deep conditioning treatment to lock it all in.

Partial Highlight 135

A partial is only about 35-50% of the area of the head covered. Traditional or balayage highlights to lighten your overall color, add pops of bright blonde or customized highlights depending on your end goal.

Half Highlight 175

A half is about 50-70% of the area of the head covered. Traditional or balayage highlights to lighten your overall color, add pops of bright blonde or customized highlights depending on your end goal.

Full Highlight 225

A full highlight covers 100% of the head surface. Traditional or balayage highlights to lighten your overall color, add pops of bright blonde or customized highlights depending on your end goal.

Please add-on any appropriate services you may think will be necessary to accommodate for extra thick/dense hair or additional treatments desired.

Haircut Consultation free

Looking for a new stylist but want to check the vibes first? No worries! Not sure if layers are going to be the best choice for your style? Need to talk it out before committing? I'm here for it, come in and lets chat it out!

Haircolor Consultation free

Not quite sure if that shade will suit you? Don’t know if you want to commit to your next color change? Want to try a test strand to know your color options? Come in, lets chat and see what color you’re envisioning and how I can help get you there!

Keratin Smoothing Treatment 250+ & Consultation free

Only available on Sundays and select Saturdays - Consultation required prior to scheduling service. Permanent Smoothing Treatment to calm frizz and reduce at-home maintenance for up to 6 months!

Virtual Consultation 15

Not able to make it into the studio for a consultation or does virtual just work better for you? While this option is a good substitute for those with busy schedules it does not allow for accurate hair analysis.

Haircut - Color Add-On 50

Add a haircut to any color service.

Deep Conditioning Treatment Add-On 15

Nourish and revitalize dry hair with a deep conditioning mask that deeply hydrates, promotes shine and healthier-looking ends. Say goodbye to dry, lackluster hair and experience the transformative power of a deep conditioning mask.

k18 Mask Add-On 20

A leave-in treatment mask that works on the molecular level to reverse hair damage in just 4 minutes.

Make it a Heavy Foil Add-on 20

Do you want a lot of blonde focused into your foils? Make it a heavy service to pack in foils on foils to get you closer to your desired goal!

Dense/Thick Haircut Add-On Free

Do you have more hair than average? Please select this add-on to allow extra time for your haircut appointment at no extra cost.

Dense/Thick Hair - Color Add-On 15

Do you have more hair than average? Please select this add-on to allow extra time for your color appointment, cost is to cover any excessive color usage.